Celebrating Pentecost in 2020
As I write this, the holiday of Pentecost is coming up in just a few days, on Sunday. Although I grew up attending mostly Pentecostal churches, it has only been in recent years that I have begun to understand what this holiday is all about and just how significant it is. What I knew about Pentecost was that it was an event that happened in the New Testament in the book of Acts, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers in Jesus/Yeshua. There was a loud sound of a rushing wind, tongues of fire came and rested on their heads, and they spoke in languages they did not know. As a result, many people who heard them speaking also became believers in Yeshua. Here's what I didn't know: Pentecost is another name for a Biblical Holiday that has been celebrated since the Old Testament! It is also known by the Hebrew name of "Shavuot", which means "weeks". In English it is often called the Feast (or Festival) of Weeks or the Firstfruits of the Wheat. You can f...